Scientific Solutions An Independent Consultant Serving the Writing, Marketing and Educational Requirements of the Analytical Science Community |
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The AAAS STEM volunteer program is looking for retired scientists and engineers to help K-12 science teachers make science more interesting. Rob Thomas has been a volunteer for the past 9 years. Interested in joining the program? OUR COMPANY |
Looking for a High Quality Writer of Technical Articles or Marketing Collateral Material? Look No Further. Robert Thomas has been writing on technical and scientific subject matter for over 30 years. He has a wealth of experience in all disciplines of scientific and technical writing including scientific papers, journal/magazine publications, application notes, data sheets, customer profiles, brochures, newsletter articles, wall posters, advertising copy, website content, user manuals and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Over this time he has gained a reputation as a writer of the highest quality covering topics in the environmental, electronics, high purity chemicals, geological, clinical, life science and clinical diagnostics, high-techology and industrial fields. In particular his publications in the magazines/journals, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, TODAY’S CHEMIST AT WORK, SPECTROSCOPY, MICRO, LAB MANAGER and SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING exemplifies his knowledge of atomic spectroscopy as applied to trace metal analysis. He has broadened his writing scope to other subject matter in the life sciences and biotechnology arenas as exemplified by his articles in MODERN DRUG DISCOVERY, PHARMAGENOMICS, CURRENT TRENDS IN MASS SPECTROSCOPY, LC/GC and LAB MANAGER More recently he has been seen in the prestigious petrochemical/industrial/environmental magazines, HYDROCARBON PROCESSING, PRACTICING OIL ANALYSIS, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENTS and PLANT ENGINEERING. And his knowledge of optical imaging techniques has seen his work published in LASER FOCUS WORLD and NASA TECH BRIEFS. And to complete his writing resume, he has written two ICP-MS textbooks - the most recent entitled PRACTICAL GUIDE TO ICP MASS SPECTROMETRY: A TUTORIAL FOR BEGINNERS, which has recently been published by CRC Press/Taylor & Francis in June, 2008. |
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Register for Rob's two Short Courses at the Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando and attend his Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals conferee networking session.