An Independent Consultant Serving the Writing, Marketing and Educational Requirements of the Analytical Science Community |
OUR COMPANY A Beginners Guide to ICP-MS Download Rob Thomas's 15-part ICP-MS Tutorial Series Published in Spectroscopy Magazine. Click on the image for details.
Check out Rob's 3-part interview on the Inorganic Ventures podcast, "BENCH BOOTH " Check out Rob's recent article in International Labmate "The Role of ICP-MS in Understanding the Link Between Lead Toxicity and Human Disease" Understanding Sources of Heavy Metals in Cannabis Consumer Products: Benefits of a Risk Assessment Strategy
A presentation that Rob made at Analytical Cannabis’s "The Science of Cannabis Testing" On-Line Symposium on September 13, 2023
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Beyond Potency: The Importance of Measuring Elemental Contaminants in Cannabis and Hemp Click on the image to read Magazine/Journal Publications Click on the image for links to recent magazine/journal articles authored by Rob Thomas |
Recent Magazine Publications Credited to Robert Thomas of Scientific Solutions
.... from the October, 1999 issue of Today's Chemist at Work, which gives an overview of the most important considerations when evaluating the major Atomic Spectroscopy techniques (link to journal website). .... from the February, 2000 issue of Today's Chemist at Work, which shows the importance of beta testing a brand new ICP-MS system before it is introduced to the marketplace ( link to pdf file). .... from the September 2000 issue of Today's Chemist at Work, which makes a comparison of the major Atomic Spectroscopic techniques, based on their running costs (link to doc file). .... from the October issue of Today's Chemist at Work, which takes a look at the way oil analysis is used to diagnose the condition and well-being of engine components (link to pdf file). .... from the July/August issue of Modern Drug Discovery, which highlights the roll of the human papilloma virus (HPV) in cervical cancer, which kills 500, 000 women every year (link to journal website). ..... from the January, 2001 issue of Spectroscopy, which gives an overview of how a novel LC-MS-MS approach is being used to detect nanoscale amounts of biomolecules, in the search for new drugs - (link to pdf file). .....
from the February, 2001 issue of Spectroscopy, which gives an overview of the influences in the development and commercialization of laser
ablation as a sample introduction tool for analyzing solids by plasma-based spectrochemical ..... included in the February, 2001 issue of Spectroscopy. This is a beginner's guide to ICP-MS, explaining the basic fundamentals of the technique and focusing on the 5 main commercially available mass spec technologies (link to journal website) ..... A new tutorial series on ICP-MS fundamentals aimed at beginners. The first one appeared in the April, 2001 issue of Spectroscopy and continues for 12-15 issues (link to journal website). ..... from the January, 2002 issue of the semiconductor journal MICRO. Describes the use of an ICP-MS system fitted with a dynamic reaction cell to attain SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Material International) Grade 5 purity levels (10 ppt), directly in neat in hydrogen peroxide (link to journal website) .... from the January, 2002 issue of Today's Chemist at Work. Traces the role of atomic spectroscopy techniques to lower trace element detection capability in biological samples for the improvement of human health (link to journal website).
....from the July, 2002 issue of Modern Drug Discovery. Using automated fluorescence microscopy, researchers are performing high-content, cell-based screening assays - exemplified by a collaboration between the Harvard School of Medicine and Universal Imaging Co. ..... from the September, 2002 issue of Spectroscopy, which discusses an approach, based well-established principles, to standardize the reporting of uncertainty associated with certified values quoted on Certified Reference Materials.
..... from the January issue of Spectroscopy, which discusses the benefits of DRC- ICP-MS to analyze high purity semiconductor acids
..... from the April, 2003 issue of MICRO Magazine, which discusses the benefits of a dynamic reaction cell being used by Merck Electronic Chemicals in Singapore for the analysis of high purity sulfuric acid and iso propyl alcohol IPA). ..... from the October 1 issue of Analytical Chemistry. This prestigious A-Page article provides an overview of the benefits DRC-ICP-MS for the analysis of various semiconductor materials ..... from the October issue of PharmaGenomics, which describes how an optimized sample delivery system can improve the accuracy and precision of protein yields using various chromatographic separation techniques
....from the September, 2004 issue of Spectroscopy, which shows that dynamic reaction cell ICP MS can eliminate a number of argon- and carbon-based polyatomic interferences, allowing the determination of many critical elements in problematic organic compounds found in the semiconductor industry ..... from the October, 2004 issue of NASA Tech Briefs, which outlines the optical requirements in designing a hyperspectral imaging spectrometer from the ground up. .....from the January, 2005 issue of Spectroscopy, which describes how an environmental and geochemical contract lab has replaced hydride generation AFS with DRC-ICP-MS to determine the full suite of elements (inc. As and Se) in rainwater samples.
.....from the August, 2005 issue of Laser Focus World, which describes how a manufacturer of imaging spectrometers designed a piece of equipment specifically to be used in harsh environments. .....from the Nov/Dec issue of Practicing Oil Analysis, which describes how FTIR is used in conjunction with principal component analysis (PCA) to monitor the total base number (TBN) of oils. ..... from the February, 2006 issue of Hydrocarbon Processing, which talks about how GC is being used to ensure the quality of biodiesel fuel made from vegetable oil. ..... from the May, 2006 issue of Current Trends in Mass Spectroscopy (supplement of Spectroscopy Magazine), which describes the use of HPLC and dynamic reaction cell ICP-MS to simultaneously determine different species of As, Cr and Se in water samples. ..... from the Sept, 2006 issue of Spectroscopy Magazine, which describes the benefits of new XRF and XRD instrumentation for the analysis of foodstuffs and pharmaceutical materials ..... from the October, 2006 issue of Applications of ICP and ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists (Supplement to Spectroscopy Magazine), which describes the ultra-high throughput (over 3000 samples/day) agricultural soil samples. ..... from the May, 2007 issue of Controlled Environments on how the development of ICP-MS has improved our understanding of lead contamination in drinking water. ..... from the June issue of Lab Manager magazine, describing the use of ICP-MS for carrying out high throughput of environmental samples. ..... from the July, 2009 issue of LC/GC describing the use of a novel laboratory grinding mill to increase the sample throughput of the analysis of pesticide residues in plant material by LC-MS-MS. ..... from the April, 2010 issue of Spectroscopy Magazine, showing the limitations of traditional energy dispersive XRF for the direct analysis of components used in PCBs, by comparing different sample preparation techniques. ......from the January, 2011 issue of Spectroscopy Magazine, showing the extremely high levels of trace and heavy metals in commercially-available dog and cat foods. .....from the November, 2011 issue of Applications of ICP and ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists (Supplement to Spectroscopy Magazine), describing how ICP-MS has helped to improve the quality of foodstuffs produced in China. ....from the January, 2012 issue of Spectroscopy Magazine describing an optimized method for analyzing the urine samples of steelworkers by Dynamic Reaction Cell ICP-MS. ......from the July, 2012 issue of Spectroscopy Magazine, describing the use of a novel collision/reaction interface for the efficient removal of polyatomic interferences in the analysis of human blood and urine samples. ...... from the September, 2012 issue of Spectroscopy Magazine describing the use of FFF coupled with ICP-MS for the separation and characterization of metallic nanoparticles discharged into the environment
... from the November, 2012 issue of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing on the ROI of Raman Spectroscopy for the identification of pharmaceutical materials
.....from the November, 2012 issue of Applications of ICP and ICP-MS Techniques for Today's Spectroscopists (Supplement to Spectroscopy Magazine), describing a fully-automated method for determining elemental impurities in pharmaceutical materials using the new USP Chapters 232/233.
..... from the December, 2012 issue of American Pharmaceutical Review on the use of Raman Spectroscopy for the identification of pharmaceutical materials
... from the May, 2013 issue of Laser Focus World on the benefits of miniature spectrometers to open up new application areas
... from the Sept, 2013 issue of Spectroscopy Magazine on the benefits of Raman and Surface-Enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for detecting breast and pancreatic cancers ....from the October, 2013 issue of Pollution Equipment News about a partnership that produced a revolutionary new tube for carrying out soil vapor analysis .... from the November, 2013 issue of Spectroscopy Magazine, about important factors to consider when purchasing a new ICP-MS system .... from the November, 2013 issue of Applications of ICP Supplement to Spectroscopy Magazine, about the use of a dynamic reaction cell to determine titanium in human serum and blood ...... from Spectroscopy Magazine, Raman Supplement, June, 2014 about the use of Raman technology for drugs and explosives' identifications
....... from R&D Magazine, April, 2014, about the importance of measurement protocol to characterize nanoparticles ........ from LC/GC, October, 2014, describing a innovative method to analyze both volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in air using one EPA method as opposed to the traditional two methods
..... from The Analytical Scientist, November 24, 2014; describing a collaboration between PerkinElmer and the Uni of Montreal on the characterization of nanomaterials
.....from Laboratory Equipment, February, 2015, describing the use of GC-MS to test water wells close to fracking sites ......from Atomic Perspectives, Column, Spectroscopy Magazine, March 2015, offering suggestions for the best technique to use for USP Chapter 232/233
......from Atomic Perspectives, Column, Spectroscopy Magazine, July, 2015 about a novel design of a new hand-held XRD spectrometer for mineral and metallurgical applications
...... from Atomic Perspectives, Column, Spectroscopy Magazine, October, 2015 about tips and guidelines for maximizing performance in ICP-MS ........from Spectroscopy Magazine, Special Environmental Issue, October, 2015, about the benefits of single particle ICP-MS for the characterization of nanoparticles in water samples
.....from Chromatography Today, May/June, 2016 .....from International Labmate, April, 2016 from LCGC, March, 2016 ....from Atomic Perspectives Column, Spectroscopy Magazine, March, 2016
....from Chromatography Today, May/June, 2016
.....from Current Trends in Mass Spec, July, 2016 ......from Petro Industry News, September, 2016
......from Spectroscopy magazine, October, 2016
Robert Thomas is a regular freelance contributor to scientific journals and magazines. We will keep you posted as each new article is published. For a full list of all his publications to date, please click here. |
Download all Rob's White Papers below on heavy metals in cannabis consumer products What the Cannabis Industry Should Know About Plastic What the Cannabis Industry Should Know About Stainless Steel What the Cannabis Industry Should Know About Glass The Importance of Measuring Heavy Metal Contaminants in Cannabis The Challenges of Measuring Heavy Metals in Cannabis Vaping Aerosols Role of ICP-MS in Understanding Toxicity Impact of Lead on Human Disease Cost of Expanding the Panel of Elemental Contaminants in Cannabis Learn about this ground breaking workshop on heavy metals in cannabis by clicking below: ASTM Workshop on Heavy Metals in Cannabis/Hemp Consumer Products Atomic Perspectives Columns For all of Rob Thomas's Atomic Perspectives Columns in Spectroscopy Magazine, Click below for details. |