Scientific Solutions An Independent Consultant Serving the Writing, Marketing and Educational Requirements of the Analytical Science Community |
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The AAAS STEM volunteer program is looking for retired scientists and engineers to help K-12 science teachers make science more interesting. Rob Thomas has been a volunteer for the past 9 years. Interested in joining the program? OUR COMPANY |
Search This Website Use the form below to search for documents in this website containing specific words or combinations of words. The text search engine will display a weighted list of matching documents, with better matches shown first. Each list item is a link to a matching document; if the document has a title it will be shown, otherwise only the document's file name is displayed. A brief explanation of the query language is available, along with examples. Query LanguageThe text search engine allows queries to be formed from arbitrary Boolean expressions containing the keywords AND, OR, and NOT, and grouped with parentheses. For example:
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Register for Rob's two Short Courses at the Pittsburgh Conference in Orlando and attend his Elemental Impurities in Pharmaceuticals conferee networking session.